I didn't think I'd giggle as much as I did when I watched this thing. I never think College Humor is going to be funny; but it often is, if only in a brutish, nihilistic kind of way. --RWK
No reason in particular*. But I should probably admit that I dig Above The Law, Seagal's debut film, which happens to be directed by Andrew Davis and costars both Sharon Stone and Pam Grier**. And, I like pandas, too. --RWK
* He did turn 57 yesterday...
** I feel it should be noted that since 2003 Seagal has starred in 11 direct to video features with a 12th in the pipeline, due out this year. Yea, a year that also saw the release of Pistol Whipped will, let's all hope together, see the premiere of Killing Point. Yup, Netflix has you covered.
There's some foolproof logic at work here, I'll tell you what. That and a funny accent. Oops, did I say/type that? BTW: Chocolate > lima beans. --RWK [via]
Because I'm fearful for tonight's big game as much as I'm excited for tonight's big game. And because the NBA hired some smart people to help its branding in the past two years. However, competition this fierce also has a lot to do with its resurgence, too. --RWK
LeBron's new teammate, Wally Szczerbiak, gets quite a handful of the big fella's butt with this standard move made awkward. Watch that follow through! --RWK [via]
I better just let robbiefreeling say it; he's seen the movie.
With so many mainstream print critics losing their jobs, the question remains: Why can't the cretinous, film cultureĆ¢€“killing TV critics join them? Here's old pro, and by all accounts worthless asshole Jeffrey Lyons (once, the "rational one" when paired with conservative hack Michael Medved back in the 90s) "reviewing," retching, whining, obnoxiously talking over his by-association genius co-host, and pitying himself for having to watch Flight of the Red Balloon. Incisive stuff here.
I am really looking forward to this picture. I think I'll have something more to say when I see it. But for now I'll say, Geeze, Lyons, do your job. Ordinary things does not equal boring, much less bad. Sheesh. --RWK
Yup, ten years is turning back the clock for me. This afternoon I happened to listen to both of these albums, back to back, thanks to the simple beauty of iTunes. Funny how much my interest in electronic music has changed since my early high school years. First of all, I still swear by Daft Punk. Second, I rarely think to listen to Bjork. I think it's because Bjork is so damned serious all the time while Daft Punk went on to make one of the greatest party albums of all time that, even when it's serious, is always teetering on the edge of plain silliness. But those guys are too smart to get bogged down in big emotional statements. Not that I don't appreciate emotional music. Heck, I listen to that Fred Falke remix of The Whitest Boy Alive almost daily. And since last week I've been listening to Cut Copy's In Ghost Colours almost non stop. Cut Copy have perfected blending Talking Heads and New Order and My Bloody Valentine and the Italodisco feel of Daft Punk and French Touch/Club into something so smart, poignant and fun that I can't help but smile. Truth be told: as soon as Homogenic ended I threw on In Ghost Colours and was happy again by the middle of the first song. As I said in the post below, my affinity is motivated by more than just the music. Both of Cut Copy's albums are very self-aware "concept" albums that constantly comment on themselves, song to song. Both albums are "about" eternity and love and lights and music and all kinds of cool stuff I find in my own philosophy (my life). Music is still very much about identification for me, to a certain extent, and how things impact me on a gut level. So to hear myself echoed in this music is kind of how it felt when I, like so many, got so turned on by OK Computer and Homogenic back in the late 90s. Except, you know, I'm a little older now and have different fears and goals and lovers and friends. In a basic sense, things are better now than they were in high school and that is reflected in the music I choose to listen to--now I prefer less melancholy, more joy. I prefer Daft Punk, even in its early noise-house era, to Bjork's (rather perfect) album of dirges for lost loves and limbs. I prefer my BPMs upwards of 110 and my songs to pop with passion, not march with ressentiment. Cuz even when Cut Copy are singing another love song it's usually about love songs -- even if it's a sad love song it's smart, and joyful. --RWK
Daft Punk - Indio Silver Club
Bjork - All Is Full Of Love
Cut Copy - That Was Just A Dream (not from the new one but I already posted the "Lights and Music" video earlier)
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