Watched this last night on the ol' Megavideo (Im watching it!). Pretty damn cool actually. There is something to be said for the grace with which Joaquin (not just the actor, but the actual written character) transfers his love for Gwyneth P. to Vinessa Shaw. Somehow the movie justifies a "settling," something a love story rarely does, and surely rarely does with confidence. It doesnt hurt to have this cast and a fine soundtrack. Which brings me to the title of this post. This f***ing Moby song/video is unreal. When the song slowly creeps in as Joaquin starts licking Paltrow's neck in the club, I started paying attention (surprise!). Check it out below. I have been all morning.
I'm feeling this movie. Hard. Right at number 2 on my so-far 09 "polls list".... (already?)